Will the Deli Shop Open?

Especially businesses that work to sell breakfast-based products and natural products are called delicatessen shops. These areas are specially designed to sell foods such as olives, cheese, soudjouk, salami, bacon, pickles, canned food.

Will the Deli Shop Open?

Today, especially in the period of 2020 virus and pandemic, the demand for natural products is more than ever. Especially greengrocer and delicatessen areas lead the way in this regard. Think that competing with discount markets is out of the question. Because the prices on the market shelf are determined. You cannot interfere too much. Prices are clear. The brand is certain, the gram is certain… But it is not possible to determine the prices of natural products as in fabricated products. The price varies according to the season, the price varies according to the region.

So much so that serious differences can be experienced between the same product prices in every region and in every season. Then he can easily say that. These are the areas where trade is mainly carried out in the food business.

How Should the Deli Shop Be?

First of all, cleaning should be the most important criteria in terms of hygiene and pandemic. Then naturalness… The decoration or architectural work done should support this philosophy. Natural wood products should be included in the system. Material selection should be considered together with naturalness and special color elements.

Where Should The Deli Shop Open?

Any place where people are available is available. Especially where one thinks, the same criteria are also valid for this sector as mentioned in previous subjects. In other words, it will be important in choosing the main street, arrow, and areas close to public areas.

What Will the Deli Shop Cost?

The cost is limited to what you think. There is no limit in this business. If we say let’s start with the most basic work, it can be made between 40.000-80.000 euro. Optionally, it can reach 2,000,000 euro.

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