Coffee Stand

ProductCode : Coffee Stand
Categories : Stand, New Market Stalls
Contact : +90535 363 96 79

Coffee Stand

It is thought that the history of coffee dates back to Africa and its use as a beverage was realized in South Arabia.

Spread of Coffee to the World

Venetian merchants who came to Istanbul loved the coffee drink very much. He carried their favorite coffee to Venice. Thus, Europeans met with coffee in 1615. The coffee, which was previously sold on the streets, took its place in the first coffee house in Italy. He reached London in 1651.

Coffee Tree

It is a tree species that has coffee, white and fragrant flowers, has two seeds inside its cherry-like red fruit, starts to bear fruit about 3 years after planting and gives fruit continuously for 30-40 years. The tree, which grows up to 8-10 meters when left in its natural state, is kept in the size of a 4-5 meter long bush by being pruned continuously for easy collection of fruits. Coffee has dark, glossy and pointed leaves that are similar to bay leaves and have wavy edges and dark, non-falling leaves in winter.


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